'Take the Internet where no other network has been before' - Vint Cerf, IPv6 Forum Honorary Chairman
The IPv6 Forum
The New Internet


IPv6 Ready Program

Contributed by forum on Apr 11, 2007 - 11:03 AM

<TD VALIGN=TOP> <a href="http://www.ipv6ready.org" target=top>IPv6 Ready Logo Program
As one of its promotional activities, the IPv6 Forum ogranises the worldwide IPv6 Ready Logo Program, which is just beginning its Phase 2 activities and testing. The coordination of the Program is chaired by Hiroshi Esaki. Visit the Program web site to see how your product can earn the Logo. Contrary to IPv4, which started with a small closed group of implementers, the universality of IPv6 leads to a huge number of implementations. Interoperability has always been considered as a critical feature in the Internet community. Due to the large number of IPv6 implementations, it is important to provide the market a strong signal proving the level of interoperability across various products.
<IMG WIDTH=80 height=100 SRC="/im/logos/ipv6ready_80x100.gif">