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IPv6 Education Certification Logo Program

The IPv6 Forum Education Certification Logo Program prime objective is to encourage and accelerate the education and training on IPv6 and promote thereby swifter adoption of IPv6 in the education curriculum and programs of the universities, research institutes, vendors and training specialists. A recent survey on IPv6 training and studies at universities have demonstrated that IPv6 training and courses are way too embryonic to have any critical impact. Patching IPv6 with IPv4 thinking would be just extending the IPv6 address space to the Internet and not fully exploiting the rich set of new features still invisible to the normal engineer. Deploying IPv6 without upfront integration of the many built-in features such the IPv6 security and privacy protocols would be re-doing the same mistake done in the deployment of IPv4. This is even defeating the prime purpose of fixing things like security in the Internet. It is estimated that some 20 million engineers are working on the current Internet worldwide at ISPs, corporate and all other public and private organizations and they will need training on IPv6. The growth of about six percent is expected in the employment of network engineers, from 2016 to 2026. This is a gigantic task since it's the first upgrade of the Internet and most probably the last one for decades to come. The IPv6 Education Certification Logo Program is a program intended to increase practical engineering expertise and hands-on knowledge to tackle this large undertaking ahead of us extending thereby user confidence by demonstrating that IPv6 will be deployed by qualified engineers.